Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First Day in DC!

December 28, 2011

What a day! What a day! This morning at 8:20 a.m. Josh and I left the Provo airport for D.C. We had a layover in Denver as well as Milwaukee. In Milwaukee we flew over lake Michigan and it was HUGE; it looked like we were flying over an ocean. Then we continued on to D.C. Flying into D.C. was fantastic. We began decent as the sun was setting so we watched the sun and surrounding sky turn scarlet and disappear on the horizon (beautiful, but not a Mona sunset by any means ha ha). As we were approaching the run way we saw the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building. It was so cool. It was then that it really hit me that “this” was really happening! This dream that I have dreamed for 2 years was coming to pass: WE WERE IN D.C. So we checked into our extended stay hotel, where we will be living for the next 4 months, and lugged all of our stuff up to our room. We then decided to be adventurous, rather than just ordering pizza, and go try out the bus system. (Oh boy…why oh why couldn’t we have just ordered pizza) Josh looked up the bus route to our restaurant and we hopped on the bus and began chatting with the bus driver. We proceeded to tell her we were heading out to dinner. She asked how we planned to get back. “Well,” we said, “we just figured we would ride the buses.” She then told us she was the last bus for the night. Great. We figured we were already on the bus so we may as well keep going. We got off the bus to transfer to the next one and of course…MISSED IT! AH! (Grandma Jones alert! You would not approve of what we did next grandma. Fair warning.) So we walked…in the dark…in Alexandria…all alone…to the next stop…a mile away. We FINALLY got there and after what seemed like forever of waiting we FINALLY got on the bus to take us to dinner. We figured the bus would stop at the stops to, ya know, let people off. WRONG. There went the next stop, and another, until we figured out that we were supposed to pull the cord. UGH. We ended up just calling a taxi to get home. What a night. Oh what a fun, stressful, tearful, maybe someday laughable night. It will be one for the memory books. One things for sure, and I think Josh would agree, I’ve never been SO afraid nor felt SO alive. Oh what an adventure.


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